Product Information
Ovufocus is the microscope using advanced optics and 45X magnification glass to provide accurate results .

It consists of a small cylindrical container using ergonomic designs to provide optimum view angle. It has a fixed focus eye piece with a slide for saliva specimen. The eye piece is properly sealed to ensure that moisture does not settle on the lens when exposed to humid condition. There is an LED source illuminating the specimen when button is pressed.

It has a lab quality lens which provides 45X magnification capable of displaying crystal clear fern like images to pinpoint the fertility period.
It also provides a replaceable battery option to ensure longer life of the product.

The product comes with a replacement warranty and inlet broucher giving detailed information of how to use the fertility scope and how to take care of the microscope to get best results.


- How it works
- Who should use Ovufocus?
- Why OvuFocus?
- How to use OvuFocus?
- Why Saliva based?
- Where can I get it?
OvuFocus is a Saliva based “personal ovulation microscope” -an easy-to-use optical device that allows you to pinpoint your most fertile days of the month.