Instructions & FAQ's:

FAQ-1: How long do I test for?

FAQ-2: What gives misleading results?

FAQ-3: I cannot see anything?

FAQ-4: Is there any side effect?

FAQ-5: Can it be used as a Contraceptive device?

FAQ-6: I can’t see any ferning?

FAQ-7: What happen if there is no picture available?

FAQ-8: How accurate is Ovu-Focus?

FAQ-9: I have irregular cycles….can I use Ovu-Focus?

FAQ-10: When does ovulation usually occur?

Faq:1 We recommend the usage of OvuFocus everyday for two months to fully understand the results.

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Faq:2 1. Memo pause.
2. It is recommended that you test first thing in the morning and never after coting, drinking smoking or even pressing your teeth.
3. Pregnancy or recent Birth.
4. Same drugs- check with your doctor.

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Faq:3 Try changing batteries, your battery life may be weak, or try to focus the lens properly. May be because the lens is not properly focused you are unable to see anything.

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Faq:4 There are no side effects, its completely natural, uses no chemicals.

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Faq:5 It is not advisable. Since a Sperm can survive for several days after enter course may still have chance of becoming pregnant ever if it is a non fertile day. OvuFocus days not product you from STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases).

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Faq:6 In the female body estrogen is always present but not everyone gets estrogen everance every month. Follow the instructions correctly for a period of time and still you don’t find any results – consult with your doctor.

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Faq:7 The light is not turned on or the installed batteries are dead. On the light button, if you still do not see any result replace the two batteries.

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Faq:8 OvuFocus is 98% accurate. Hormonal changes is a women body just to ovulation are detected by observing a sample of drcid Saliva through the Fertility Scope lens. Its 100% safe and natural.

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Faq:9 Yes fertility cycles average 28 days, but can be short or long. Ovufocus helps you determine the time you are ovulating whether or not you are regular.

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Faq:10 The monthly fertility cycle of ovulating women (not menopausal) starts at the beginning of the first day of the menstruation period and ends on the first day of the following menstruation period. Ovulation usually occurs around the middle of the cycle (the twelfth to fourteenth days) but can occur at almost any time.

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- How it works
- Who should use Ovufocus?
- Why OvuFocus?
- How to use OvuFocus?
- Why Saliva based?
- Where can I get it?
OvuFocus is a Saliva based “personal ovulation microscope” -an easy-to-use optical device that allows you to pinpoint your most fertile days of the month.