History & Develpoments:

Abstract Material and Method Results References Conclusions
REPRINT Vol: 6 - Nº 1, 1994 Edizioni Universitarie Romane Saliva Fertility Tester
III Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Direttore: Prof. L. Marzetti) *Professore Associato - Titolare insegnamento di Fisiopatologia della Riproduzione.

In 1945 Papanicolau first observed ferning (crystal formation) in dried cervical fluid.

In 1969 Dr. Biel Cassals, a Spanish gynecologist studied the crystallization of saliva. In his presentation to the Barcelona Medical Board was in regard to the relationship between hormonel changes during the female menstrual cycle and the crystallization of saliva, indicating that the ferning saliva is virtually identical in appearance to the arborization effect of cervical fluid.

In 1971 his findings were put into use with a microscope developed by him intended to test for ferning in saliva. The apparatus was put to experiment for approximately 10 months on a group of 1000 women. The success rate was around 96.2%.These women used the saliva test as a method to ascertain when they were fertile.

A study conducted in 1991(M.Guida) at the Institute of Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic in Napoli,Italy achieved a positive result in 92% of the cases studied, matching saliva ferning to the fertile preovulatory and ovulatory period.

In 1992 a further study conducted in Milan, Italy (M. Barbato, A. Pandolfi) and Naples Italy. (M.Guida) This study used the PG/53 pocket microscope and found the effectiveness of salivary ferning as a diagnostic testing aid to natural family planning. They concluded that there is a direct correlation between salivary ferning and the fertile period.

2nd Department of Gynecology and obstetrics in Brno Czechoslovakia studied 300 women from an in vitro fertilization program who used a handheld microscope device to track saliva ferning and ovulation period. The outcome of the study determined a definite Correlation between estrogen activity and crystallization of saliva, classifying the reliability as “very high level when combined with the basil temperature method, a 99% reliability rate was claimed.

In 1994 center of Serbia conducted a study “Determination of Fertile and Infertile Days of the Menstrual cycle of women by using the Saliva Crystallization test”, and they found out that saliva ferning is as effective as cervical mucus analysis and ultra sonographic folliculometer.

Today, OvuFocus stands the worlds number one Saliva Based fertility tester.


- How OvuFocus works?

- How to use OvuFocus?

- Why OvuFocus?

- I want to compare it!
OvuFocus is a Saliva based “personal ovulation microscope” -an easy-to-use optical device that allows you to pinpoint your most fertile days of the month.